Advokatfirman Susanne Urwitz

Byrå - Advokatfirman Susanne Urwitz
Inriktning - Allmän praktik
LVU-, LVM- och LPT-mål
Offentlig försvarare
Särskild företrädare för barn
Språk - Engelska
Postadress - Grev Turegatan 18, 1,5 tr, 114 46 STOCKHOLM
Växel - 08-679 77 00
Fax - 08-679 77 01
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Advokatfirman Susanne Urwitz , 5.2 out of 10 based on 18 ratings
Verksamma rättsområden: Allmän praktik, Brottmål, Familjerätt, Invandrarrätt, LVU-, LVM- och LPT-mål, Målsägandebiträde, Offentlig försvarare, Särskild företrädare för barn, Socialrätt

3 kommentarer
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  1. Sökte Susanne Urwitz om inledande rådgivning angående ett mål, arrogant och ej behjälplig

  2. tack susanne för din hjälp!!!…tycker att du är bäst ……..

  3. Hello,
    I am Iranian, resettled to Sweden via UNHCR in India in 2010, as a political refugee. Till now my mother has applied three times for a visa to visit me in Sweden, all three applications have been refused. The reason: there is doubt about her intention to leave the Schengen area before the allowed period.
    My mother has a good social status in Iran. She has absolutely no reason to stay in Sweden. I am employed at Scania as a development engineer. Documents, credible more than enough, showing our financial-social status are handed over to the embassy.
    I have good bases to believe that the refusals are based on the fact that I am refugee here, no matter what kind of person I am.
    I cannot go to Iran, since I am a political activist against Iranian theocratic cultic government.
    The case is now sent to a court in Stockholm and I am going to take all legal measures to fight for my rights.
    Do you think you can take the case?
    Thanks for your quick reply.
    Mohsen Namakian

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